Thursday, August 30, 2012

KHATS (11) Wash Your Hands!

Tis the be sick!  When all the kids go back to school and are crammed into the same room there is one thing they are sure to share...germs!  My girls don't go to school; but they do go to Sunday School.  Every year about this time they get sick.  Two things I have tried to implement to keep the germs down are...

1.  Wash everyones hands as often as is possible and practical.  Every time we return home from going out I am trying to instill that habit into the girls to head straight to the bathroom and everyone wash hands.

2.  Put echinasea in their yogurt.  We eat more yogurt this time of year.  I read somewhere that we often harbor illness in our colons.  If you have a clean colon chances are you will be healthier. Yogurt helps keep you regular.  I have some echinacea capsules (immune system boosters!!!) and I open them up and pour the contents into their yogurt.  They are none the wiser, but hopefully they won't get sick as much.

3.  A lot of people are into hand sanitizers; but I have read and heard so many negative things about them that I just stick to good old soap and water.    Washing your hands often is probably the best way to keep sickness out of your home.

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found your blog through Baptist Missionary Women! I just want you to know I love you and am so proud of you and how God is using you!
Miss Sarah (Knapp) McKendree

Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...