Monday, December 30, 2019


Hello Friends!

This year has almost come to a close.  It is hard to believe that in just couple of days it will be 2020!  I am grateful for all that 2019 brought into my life; but I am very happy to be starting a new year.  My goal and prayer for 2019 was for the Lord to increase my capacity.  I heard someone say that in the beginning of the year and I thought it sounded so good that I began to consistently pray for my capacity to be increased as well. Sounds great, right? As the year progressed, I didn't feel like my capacity was increasing. Instead I felt like I was being pruned...which sounds a lot more like decreasing than enlarging! Not what I had in mind; but I am sure it is what was needed.

I expected to see more happy and exciting things happening for us and to posses more experiences and things that I desired. As I look back on the year, I don't really see either of those things.  Please understand that I am not saying that God has not been good to us; or that we are in need of anything.  What I am saying is that this year I have experienced some disappointments, some heartaches, and some loss.  Initially, the words "enlarged capaicty" (at least in my inmature mind) translated to "more stuff" and "fun experiences".  As I asked the Lord why so many things that I desired I did not see; I felt like His answer was "Selah"; or stop and think.  Mediate on the words you have so consistently been praying.

Upon further review, it seems that my little teacup self was asking God to bless me with gallon sized blessings.  Well, what happens when you pour all of the contents from a gallon jug into a teacup?  A huge mess!  In order for a tea cup (6-8 ounces.) to receive all that is meant for a gallon jug (128 ounces; some major stretching must happen.  Maybe some breaking, remolding, and a kiln (very hot oven) may even be involved.  So, it seems that I have been praying the prayer of the spiritually mature with the understanding of a child, and the Lord has graciously answered me by stretching me past my understanding, imagined limits, and out of my comfort zone in so many areas.

This year, 2019, has been a blessing to me in a unique way; but as I think about my word, or phrase to focus on for the next year; I am going to spend a little more time thinking and praying for understanding BEFORE I commit to making it my prayer for the year!...with a heart open to whatever God has for me, of course. Thank you for joining us on our little journey in 2019! In the year 2020, I pray for the best that God has for your life and mine!

Until Next Year,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas Time is Here!

Hello Friends!

What a busy time of year for our family! This year, like every year for the past 11 years, we decorated Christmas cookies with the children in our church. Unlike previous years, 1.) We had more children in attendance who are not members of our church than those who are members. 2.) One of our children placed third in the cookie decorating contest...Ironically, it's the one who probably cares the least. 3.) My "perfect" Christmas cookie recipe wasn't so perfect.  I reviewed my actions and I have concluded that we did two things differently this year which contributed to our cookie crisis.  1.) I used duck eggs instead of chicken eggs when baking the cookies.  Normally, using duck eggs for my baking results in decadence. Not this time!  2.) We let the dough set out of the refrigerator for too long before we cut into it. I think the dough got too warm as we were handling it. Tomorrow morning the kids and I will be baking another batch for our Christmas party on Monday.  We will use regular eggs and work more quickly.  I will share the results with you. Hopefully they will handle as well as they taste; unlike last weeks cookies which tasted great; but were crumbly and not as well formed.

My "No Fail" Christmas cookie recipe

One other thing that we have added into the mix is our music program.  I have a dear friend who has entrusted me with teaching her kids music.  Word has spread and our little choir is growing! We performed at one of our local care homes and are scheduled to perform at two more before Christmas.  They will also be performing at church as part of our Christmas festivities.

I am having a blast singing and playing with these kids!  Music is a precious gift to share.

The last thing I want to comment on today is how we handle gift giving in our home.
First, the kids use a portion of the money in their piggy banks to shop for stocking stuffers for their siblings.  They pull a name from a box and I take them one by one to shop for one another.
The second thing we do is ask the children to tell us two things that they would like for Christmas; we surprise them with the third item.  Yes, you read that correctly.  We limit them to three gifts. Usually Grandparents send gifts for them in addition to what we give. Some years they send money and I am able to upgrade what we plan to give them; but I do my best to limit them to three gifts each.  This is just one way for us to not get caught up in the hullabaloo of the holidays and to remind us of Christ.  The Bible mentions the three gifts from the wise men.  We use that as our guide for our three gift rule.

Here are some snapshots from our lives this season.
This is our second year to participate in the Operation Christmas child program.

Cassidy and Pita

Rayanna is learning to tie her favorite shoes.

A few of our favorite "scenes" on or Christmas tree.

Beckles's Christmas tree 2019

Raymond DeSean finishes his first, first grade reading book

Cassidy gives a little attitude.

Do you have traditions that you treasure for Christmas?
Do you have a favorite Christmas song?
What do you do to keep yourself from falling prey to commercialism in the holidays?

Until next time;

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Celebration Time!

Ready to hit the road!
Today the little people and I went out on the town in celebration of them having a dry pull-up for 14 days. 
What an accomplishment!!! For a while we were buying pull-ups every two weeks for three children.
I felt like I was throwing money in the trash!! We tried a variety of different approaches to solve this
problem (no drinks after dinner; plastic liners for the mattresses; supplements for stronger bladders,
etc) ; but nothing worked.  One day while the grandparents were here; we were told stories about
certain individuals who used to wet the bed and then blame their older siblings. In my family;
I remember that my brother was a bed wetter until he was about 11 years old.  
One of children decided that they were not going to wet the bed any longer and asked their dad
to wake them up in the wee hours of the morning in order to use the restroom. 
Their mama was willing to pay for the pull-ups so she could sleep in peace. (cheese!)

It worked for her. She has not been wearing pull-ups and has had a dry bed for several months now. 
The two small ones were soaking through pull-ups and waking with wet sheets; and then some
days one or two of them would be dry in the morning. This made me think maybe the issue with
at least one of them was laziness rather than genetics.  

Raymond and I decided to give them a little incentive to wake up dry.  I counted out 14 pieces
of candy and put them in separate containers for each kid.  If they brought me a dry pull-up
in the morning, I would give them a piece of candy.  Once they finished the candy we would
get them a burger and fries as a celebration. Please understand that we don’t buy candy for our kids. 
It is amazing what a little candy will motivate a kid to do! Instead of me buying pull-ups and doing loads of
soiled laundry and sheets; I now hear them using the bathroom early in the morning
on. their. own.
Today was day 15 for both lil’ Raymond and Rayanna.  We made a day of it.
(...or at least an afternoon. Our morning was filled with our normal routine, music class, 
and school work).

Where did we go? What did we do?

We went to the bank, then to Walmart. We got burgers, drinks, fries and mozzarella sticks (for me) at Sonic, and took Max to the dog park. We had a good time.

The lake by the dog park.  A lot of people in our
area enjoy fishing here as well.
A beautiful view in our backyard.

Can any of you relate? Do any of you have bed wetters?

Until Next Time,

Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...