Monday, December 30, 2019


Hello Friends!

This year has almost come to a close.  It is hard to believe that in just couple of days it will be 2020!  I am grateful for all that 2019 brought into my life; but I am very happy to be starting a new year.  My goal and prayer for 2019 was for the Lord to increase my capacity.  I heard someone say that in the beginning of the year and I thought it sounded so good that I began to consistently pray for my capacity to be increased as well. Sounds great, right? As the year progressed, I didn't feel like my capacity was increasing. Instead I felt like I was being pruned...which sounds a lot more like decreasing than enlarging! Not what I had in mind; but I am sure it is what was needed.

I expected to see more happy and exciting things happening for us and to posses more experiences and things that I desired. As I look back on the year, I don't really see either of those things.  Please understand that I am not saying that God has not been good to us; or that we are in need of anything.  What I am saying is that this year I have experienced some disappointments, some heartaches, and some loss.  Initially, the words "enlarged capaicty" (at least in my inmature mind) translated to "more stuff" and "fun experiences".  As I asked the Lord why so many things that I desired I did not see; I felt like His answer was "Selah"; or stop and think.  Mediate on the words you have so consistently been praying.

Upon further review, it seems that my little teacup self was asking God to bless me with gallon sized blessings.  Well, what happens when you pour all of the contents from a gallon jug into a teacup?  A huge mess!  In order for a tea cup (6-8 ounces.) to receive all that is meant for a gallon jug (128 ounces; some major stretching must happen.  Maybe some breaking, remolding, and a kiln (very hot oven) may even be involved.  So, it seems that I have been praying the prayer of the spiritually mature with the understanding of a child, and the Lord has graciously answered me by stretching me past my understanding, imagined limits, and out of my comfort zone in so many areas.

This year, 2019, has been a blessing to me in a unique way; but as I think about my word, or phrase to focus on for the next year; I am going to spend a little more time thinking and praying for understanding BEFORE I commit to making it my prayer for the year!...with a heart open to whatever God has for me, of course. Thank you for joining us on our little journey in 2019! In the year 2020, I pray for the best that God has for your life and mine!

Until Next Year,

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Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...