Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year. New Word.

Hello Friends!
It's Tinyla again and I want to wish you a wonderful new year! I am so excited about 2020 and all of the potential it has. Sooo...

In the last blog post I mentioned that I prayed for and focused on the phrase "enlarged capacity". I communicated, I hope, that I prayed earnestly for an enlarged capacity; but my understanding of what that meant was immature.

Now that I know a little better; what have I chosen to focus on in this new year? One word, Pursue.   Pursue, by definition  (according to Mr. Webster) means 1.) to find or employ measures to obtain or accomplish: to seek. 2.) to proceed along; or 3.) to engage in.

What am I trying to accomplish or obtain?
What am I seeking?
Proceed along what?
Engage in what?

I want to pursue all that God has for me.
I want to seek His face.
I want to continue, or proceed in walking with Him.
I want to engage in the tasks that He has for me.

My focus for this year is to pursue the best version of Tinyla as a child of God, as a wife, as a mother, as a church member, as a sister, as a friend.  I pray He continues to enlarge me. I pray that He continues to increase my faith; that he helps me to not become weary in well doing; and that by this time next year I will be a better person than I am today...because I look more like Christ.

What is your goal for this year?
What are you focused on in your life?

Until next time,

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Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...