Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas Time is Here!

Hello Friends!

What a busy time of year for our family! This year, like every year for the past 11 years, we decorated Christmas cookies with the children in our church. Unlike previous years, 1.) We had more children in attendance who are not members of our church than those who are members. 2.) One of our children placed third in the cookie decorating contest...Ironically, it's the one who probably cares the least. 3.) My "perfect" Christmas cookie recipe wasn't so perfect.  I reviewed my actions and I have concluded that we did two things differently this year which contributed to our cookie crisis.  1.) I used duck eggs instead of chicken eggs when baking the cookies.  Normally, using duck eggs for my baking results in decadence. Not this time!  2.) We let the dough set out of the refrigerator for too long before we cut into it. I think the dough got too warm as we were handling it. Tomorrow morning the kids and I will be baking another batch for our Christmas party on Monday.  We will use regular eggs and work more quickly.  I will share the results with you. Hopefully they will handle as well as they taste; unlike last weeks cookies which tasted great; but were crumbly and not as well formed.

My "No Fail" Christmas cookie recipe

One other thing that we have added into the mix is our music program.  I have a dear friend who has entrusted me with teaching her kids music.  Word has spread and our little choir is growing! We performed at one of our local care homes and are scheduled to perform at two more before Christmas.  They will also be performing at church as part of our Christmas festivities.

I am having a blast singing and playing with these kids!  Music is a precious gift to share.

The last thing I want to comment on today is how we handle gift giving in our home.
First, the kids use a portion of the money in their piggy banks to shop for stocking stuffers for their siblings.  They pull a name from a box and I take them one by one to shop for one another.
The second thing we do is ask the children to tell us two things that they would like for Christmas; we surprise them with the third item.  Yes, you read that correctly.  We limit them to three gifts. Usually Grandparents send gifts for them in addition to what we give. Some years they send money and I am able to upgrade what we plan to give them; but I do my best to limit them to three gifts each.  This is just one way for us to not get caught up in the hullabaloo of the holidays and to remind us of Christ.  The Bible mentions the three gifts from the wise men.  We use that as our guide for our three gift rule.

Here are some snapshots from our lives this season.
This is our second year to participate in the Operation Christmas child program.

Cassidy and Pita

Rayanna is learning to tie her favorite shoes.

A few of our favorite "scenes" on or Christmas tree.

Beckles's Christmas tree 2019

Raymond DeSean finishes his first, first grade reading book

Cassidy gives a little attitude.

Do you have traditions that you treasure for Christmas?
Do you have a favorite Christmas song?
What do you do to keep yourself from falling prey to commercialism in the holidays?

Until next time;

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

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Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...