Monday, April 1, 2019

Kindness Pays!

Part  Two:
Ticket Cash in Day is a great day for the kids.  I enjoy seeing them so excited about getting paid for their efforts; but this day also means that I will have to take 7 kids shopping soon...not my favorite thing, but peace is worth the inconvienence!  We have Kindness Cash out days twice a month.

What does cash in day look like?

A.)  I gather the materials necessary for this event.
          1.  Our ticket bucket (converted pretzel container)
          2.  The kids piggy banks
          3.  Pen and paper for recording their giving/choices.
B.)  I call everyone to the table and we tally separate and count all the tickets.  The person with the     
       most gets 10 extra tickets ($1).

C.)  The kids, 1 by 1, decide how they will divide up what they have earned.
Spending Options
  1. Tithe.  10% of total
  2. Save.  10% of total goes into their banks.  Sometimes some of them chose to save more, sometimes some of them whine about having to save anything.  
  3. Give.  5% or more.  We have 2 organizations that the kids have chosen to give to for Christmas at the end of the year. They have to give 5%.  Sometimes some of them chose to give more, sometimes some of them whine about giving anything.
  4. Spend...whatever they have left.  I encourage them to make wise spending choices. I have a bucket of candy that they can purchase for a dime a piece.  (They haven't yet figured out that they can purchase their own bags from the dollar store for less.  I am glad because I am not a parent that promotes candy whenever we want it.) I also give them the option of buying extra screen time (1 cent/minute).
The Kindness Contest is a tool we use in our home to encourage and teach kindness, good communication skills, problem solving skills, stewardship and money management.

How do you promote these attributes in your home?  I would love to know.  Comment below or shoot me an email at  I would love to hear from you!

Until Next time,

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Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...