Friday, August 17, 2018

Homeschooling 202: Part 1

Our Summer has ended for us a little earlier than usual.  Normally, I stop for a break after the girls's birthdays (mid-June) until Bubba's birthday (September 2).  This year I decided to start the same day as our local public schools, August 13th.  We have guests and I needed a little more order in our day.  What better way to establish it!  Added bonus:  My sister's kiddos get to experience being homeschooled, and my kids have some competition in class.  My current classroom consists of our little one, Rayanna (age 2), Raymond DeSean (Age 4 and soon will be 5), Cassidy, my nephew and his twin sister (all age 7), my daughter Aaliyah and my niece (both age 9 and in the fourth grade).

Once we decided to start early I began ordering the supplies and books that we were lacking for the year.  They began arriving and I could barely contain myself!  There's nothing like the wonderful smell of new books!  (side note) One of my favorite places to go for thinking time is Barnes and Nobles.  Just walking in the door relaxes me!

Cozy corner in the right...notice our "class pet"  has found her spot.
I thought I would share with you today what we are using for curriculum.   I have watched hundreds (no exaggeration) of youtube videos and reviews and believe that I have selected the items that will work best FOR US!  I emphasize the  FOR US because every family is different.  Every child's needs  and learning style is different.  The curriculu I have chosen offers something for all the needs and styles represented in our home.

Rayanna is only 2 years old; but she LOVES books and baby dolls!!!  I have chosen for her the Before Five in a row program and we have incorporated some aspects of an interactive notebook.  She has her very own little corner with books, manipulates, puzzles, finger paints, and such.

Raymond DeSean is four, but will be 5 years old soon.  He is in to all things police officer!  For Kindergarten and first grade I focus primarily on Reading, Penmanship, and Math.  Everything else is Extra and only done when we have time on our hands...or if his siblings choose to share their knowledge with him.  Reading:  We use the Abeka reading program for Kindergarten and supplement with Bob Books when appropriate/as needed.  He enjoys finishing a book all by himself.  The Bob Books give him that experience.  For writing, I use Handwriting without tearsMath Lessons for a Living Education is our favorite Math program.  He is currently on about day 26 in the Level 1 Book.

First Grade:
Bieroks from Kansas
My Nephew is doing first grade reading and penmanship; but second grade math. Also, I add grammar and geography into the mix (more about what I use for this in the second grade section of this post).  I continue with the Abeka all the way through fifth grade in reading with all of the children.  I usually find the readers on ebay or amazon.  I continue with the Handwriting Without Tears program until the child has finished each one through the second cursive book.  I had Cassidy and Bubba (Raymond DeSean) do the My First School Book twice ( the first time using sheet protectors and dry erase markers).

Second Grade:
The cook
Cassidy and my niece are both seven years old and doing second grade work.  This is the year in which I add science into the mix.  Reading, penmanship, and math are continued with the same programs.  Geography for us consists of us checking out the State books from the library.  We study one a week.  Our favorite thing to do in geography is to put a star sticker on our wall map by the capital of the state that we finish  and to cook a food (fourth grade home economics lesson *wink*) famous in that state.  Kansas State Food  I also add this to our grammar program.

I guess this post will have to be a part one and two because life is calling me away.

Until next time,


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Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...