Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Six months and counting!

Me today
We are officially in our 24th week of pregnancy and everything is going as well as can be expected.  My body ( and mind) have been and continue to do some strange things, all of which I will not share, but we are excited about Beckles #2 arriving sometime in June. 

As some of you know from my facebook account, I was debating about whether to find out the sex of the baby or not.  Well, as it turns out....Nobody knows, but the Lord.  Not even the doctor who did the ultrasound could tell.  I know this because I asked. 

I didn't mean to, initially!  I went to the hospital determined not to find out.  We even left the room.  Then I went to the restroom and suspense began to kill me, so I rushed back in (unbeknown to my husband) and asked.  To my great disappointment, she said she looked and looked; but the baby would not cooperate.  This one must take after it's dad.  Aaliyah and I don't like surprises that much.
Me six months pregnant with Aaliyah (uh-lee-yah)

1 comment:

PaulaJ's said...

I don't believe in finding out what your gift is before you get it, but it looks like a "boy belly" to me. :) PS I have been known to be wrong.

Tween book list!

Hello friend! Thank you for sharing your time with me today! I have had several requests for what we will be/are currently reading. I often ...