Saturday, March 2, 2019

Teaching Thankfulness

Recently I had a conversation with one of the ladies in our church about a young relative of hers.  He/She has developed a horrible habit of stealing.  "What causes this?" She asked me.  At the moment, I didn't exactly know what to say.  I know this family in question.  They are not hard up for cash, or anything else.  What would motivate a seemingly smart young person to become a thief?  I was challenged about this in my own home.  Sometimes the kids will find money (usually change) around the house and they automatically claim it as their own.  I had to explain that one does not get to claim something as theirs that they found on someone else's property.  

Overcoming the Desire to Steal

I have deduced that in order to combat this, three things are in necessary:

1.  Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.  We began making Thursdays a day of thanksgiving shortly after my conversation with this lady.  What does this look like in our home?  Almost every evening we eat dinner together at the dining room table.  Once someone is finished, they get to tell three reasons why they are thankful.   My nephew is usually the first one to share as he is almost always the first one to finish his meal.  

Initially we heard the same things over and over and over again.  Raymond and I began to challenge the kids to try and be a little more original, or to tell "why" they are thankful for a particular family member.  When I was a teenager, my youth director used to have us practice this during the month of November.  I guess we are getting an early start!

My reason for beginning this exercise is that a person who is grateful for the people in their lives, doesn't steal from them.  Also, a person who is thankful for the things they have, will be far less likely to covet what others have.

Ephesians 4:28
"Let him that stole steal no more:  but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."

2.  Help them to learn the value of hard work in association with money/ the value of a dollar.  Meaning, how much time it takes a person to earn a set amount of money to buy certain objects.  I personally am not in favor of traditional "allowances".  I am in favor of kids earning money for performing/working hard at certain unrequired tasks.  In our home, we pay the kids for going out of their way to practice kindness (more about this coming really soon).  It is important for kids to learn to manage money, or it will master them once they leave the home.

3.  Leave money around the house on purpose in order to get them used to not touching what belongs to others.  I had a boss once who did this.  I didn't know that it was for the purpose of testing my integrity.  I gathered it up and put it in a little bowl for them. 😐

What are your thoughts on this topic?
Do you have any suggestios?
Drop me a comment or email me. I would love to hear from you!

Coming Soon...Essential Skills for Kids and The Kindness Project

Until Next Time,

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Tween book list!

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