Teaching Stewardship
I was at a book sale at
the library last year and I picked up a little book about teaching children
about banking and finances. I also have
and cherish Dave Ramsey’s little book entitled “priceless” which someone gave
to me while I was in college. (I wish I
had studied it then!!!) We decided to start giving the children a small amount
of money every Saturday. Aaliyah and
Cassidy both have two jars. They colored
pictures to put on the jars and then we taped the picture to the jar. One has the word “Save” and the other reads,
“Give”. I divide the money up into
change if necessary and they put %10 in the special pocket of their purse for
church on Sunday as their tithe. They
put another %10 percent in their giving jar, %10 in their saving jar and the
rest they can put in their purse to spend.
Cassidy does not yet understand or care anything about this process at
present; but Aaliyah is learning well.
When we leave the house
she makes sure she has her purse just in case we go to the store. (I stopped reminding her after about two
weeks. If she forgets her purse she does not get to buy anything).
I remember the first
time she had to give her tithe. We used
to give her money to put in the missions jar at church every week. If for some reason we would forget or be too
busy (me at the piano and dad at the pulpit) someone always gave them change to
put in the missions jar.
The first week she had
money from her allowance plus Grandma sent her money because she lost two
teeth. Offering time came and she
hesitated to go forward and give; then she began to cry. Not the silent tears; but the big huge
crocodile tears. She said, “Will Jesus
give me my money back?”. We told her
that God always gives us back more than we give to Him. She gave it; but was a little hesitant. Two days later she went with her dad to
invite people to church and a man off the street walked up to her and gave her
$10! Talk about God giving back to
you! She has never had a problem giving
to Jesus since. She has since asked me if it was ok if she gave Jesus
dollars instead of just change. Last
week she put a couple of dollars in her purse to give to Jesus above her
I also remember the
first unwise purchase she made. We were
at the store and there was one of those “toy drop” machines outside. She was determined to play it so that she
could win one of the toys. It looked so easy. I warned her that playing the game might be a
foolish way instead of a wise way to spend her money (I used those words
exactly. I believe it is important to
use Bible words with our children). She
just had to play…so I let her. It took
$1, then $2, then $3 – she is her mother’s daughter, therefore she knew she
could win if she just kept trying (LOL). By dollar number three she was crying
and her father said enough was enough.
Here we are about two
months later. She has passed many “toy
drop machines” and has NEVER asked to play again. I try to remind her about her experience as
we watch other foolish children spend their parent’s money in those
machines. By the way…We have yet to see
one win.
I am so proud of the
little ones God has given us!
Until next time,